Nestoron 是一种高度选择性和有效的孕激素,是一种 19-norprogesterone 衍生物,对Progesterone Receptors具有高亲和力和选择性,可用作激素避孕药。
Nestoron, a synthetic progestin, is a high-affinity agonist of the progesterone receptor (EC50: 10.3 nM).
Nestorone (ST-1435) showed significant binding (ED50 = 56 nM) compared to the binding of dexamethasone (ED50 = 21 nM) to calf thymus GR. Progesterone and Nestorone showed no binding to SHBG [1]. Chronic ST-1435 and E2 alone or in combination increased neurogenesis by a comparable magnitude, with minimum to no antagonistic or additive effects between ST-1435 and E2. In addition, chronic exposure of ST-1435 or ST-1435 + E2 stimulated oligodendrocyte generation [2].
The potency of Nestorone was over 100-fold higher upon s.c. administration than via the oral route. Nestorone showed no androgenic or anabolic activity. Nestorone did not bind to sex hormone binding globulin (SHBG). In contrast to estradiol and levonorgestrel, Nestorone showed no uterotropic activity in ovariectomized rats. Despite significant binding to glucocorticoid receptors (GR), Nestorone showed no glucocorticoid activity in vivo [1].
Immature female rats were ovariectomized under methoxylflurane anesthesia, randomly distributed into treatment groups (n 5 6 per group), and used 5 to 7 days later. Levonorgestrel or Nestorone (1 or 5 mg) was injected s.c. daily for 5 days. Vaginal lavages were examined microscopically to detect vaginal cornification. The animals were killed on day 6, and the uteri were removed, cleaned, blotted dry, and weighed. The antiestrogenic effects of levonorgestrel and Nestorone were determined in rats receiving 1.0 mg E2. A positive control group received E2 alone. Negative controls received the vehicle [1].
Cas No.
Elcometrine;Nestorone;醋酸烯诺孕酮;ST-1435;Segesterone Acetate
DMSO:25 mg/mL
Powder: -20°C for 3 years
In solvent: -80°C for 2 years