Algestone acetophenide is a progesterone that has been used in ESTRUS SYNCHRONIZATION and has been evaluated as an injectable contraceptive in combination with estradiol enanthate. It is also used therapeutically as a topical anti-inflammatory and is applied topically in the treatment of ACNE. References: Coutinho EM, Spinola P, Athayde C, Noronha CF, de Melo NR, Cabral ZA, Almeida JA, da Silva BL, Neto JS, Rumi DO. Comparison of two regimens of a monthly injectable contraceptive containing dihydroxyprogesterone acetophenide and estradiol enanthate. Contraception. 2006 Mar;73(3):249-52. Epub 2005 Oct 20. PubMed PMID: 16472564.