Description: Kanamycin sulfate, the sulfate salt of Kanamycin (Kanamycin A; Kantrex; Kanamycine), is an aminoglycoside bacteriocidal antibiotic effective against gram-positive and negative bacteria and mycoplasma. It has been used for the prevention and treatment of chicken pullorum, colibacillosis, enteritis and other diseases, and has a significant effect on systemic sepsis, respiratory tract infection, peritonitis, etc. caused by drug-resistant bacteria.Aminoglycosides like kanamycin irreversibly bind to specific 30S-subunit proteins and 16S rRNA. Specifically Kanamycin binds to four nucleotides of 16S rRNA and a single amino acid of protein S12.
Reference: Biosens Bioelectron. 2015 Dec 15;74:691-7Related CAS #: 59-01-8 (free base) 25389-94-0 (sulfate) 64013-69-0 11025-65-3 19079-03-9 936337-76-7