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Oleuropein aglycone
Oleuropein aglycone图片
CAS NO:31773-95-2

A polyphenol with diverse biological activities
Cas No.31773-95-2
Canonical SMILESOC1=CC(CCOC(C[C@@H]2C(C(OC)=O)=CO[C@H](/C2=C/C)O)=O)=CC=C1O
溶解度Acetonitrile: slightly soluble,Ethanol: slightly soluble w/ sonication
General tipsFor obtaining a higher solubility , please warm the tube at 37 ℃ and shake it in the ultrasonic bath for a while.
Shipping ConditionEvaluation sample solution : ship with blue ice
All other available size: ship with RT , or blue ice upon request

Oleuropein aglycone is a polyphenol and an aglycone form of oleuropein that has been found in extra virgin olive oil and has diverse biological activities.1,2,3,4It is formed from oleuropeinviaenzymatic, acidic, or acetyl hydrolysis.1Dietary administration of oleuropein aglycone (50 mg/kg of food) increases the number of neuronal autophagic vesicles and reverses cognitive deficits in aTgCRND8transgenic mouse model of Alzheimer’s disease.2It also decreases cortical and hippocampal levels of histone deacetylase 2 (HDAC2) and restores long-term potentiation in the same model. Oleuropein aglycone increases urinary norepinephrine, as well as interscapular brown adipose tissue epinephrine and UCP1 protein levels, and decreases plasma leptin levels and total abdominal cavity adipose tissue weight in a rat model of high-fat diet-induced obesity.3It also reduces lung neutrophil infiltration, lipid peroxidation, and IL-1β levels in a mouse model of carrageenan-induced pleurisy.4

1.Xu, F., Li, Y., Zheng, M., et al.Structure properties, acquisition protocols, and biological activities of oleuropein aglyconeFront. Chem.6239(2018) 2.Cordero, J.G., GarcÍa-Escudero, R., Avila, J., et al.Benefit of oleuropein aglycone for Alzheimer’s disease by promoting autophagyOxid. Med. Cell. Longev.5010741(2018) 3.Oi-Kando, Y., Iwasaki, Y., Nakamura, T., et al.Oleuropein aglycone enhances UCP1 expression in brown adipose tissue in high-fat-diet-induced obese rats by activating β-adrenergic signalingJ. Nutr. Biochem.40209-218(2017) 4.Impellizzeri, D., Esposito, E., Mazzon, E., et al.The effects of oleuropein aglycone, an olive oil compound, in a mouse model of carrageenan-induced pleurisyClin. Nutr.30(4)533-540(2011)