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位置:首页 > 产品库 > Genistein-d4
CAS NO:187960-08-3
500 μg电议

Genistein-d4 (NPI 031L-d4) 是氘标记的 Genistein。染料木黄酮是一种大豆异黄酮,是一种多种酪氨酸激酶(例如 EGFR)抑制剂,主要通过改变细胞凋亡、细胞周期和血管生成以及抑制转移来作为针对不同类型癌症的化学治疗剂。
Cas No.187960-08-3
别名金雀异黄酮-D4,NPI 031L-d4
Canonical SMILESO=C1C(C2=C([2H])C([2H])=C(O)C([2H])=C2[2H])=COC3=CC(O)=CC(O)=C31
溶解度DMF: 30 mg/ml,DMSO: 30 mg/ml,DMSO:PBS (pH 7.2) (1:6): 1 mg/ml
储存条件Store at -20°C
General tipsFor obtaining a higher solubility , please warm the tube at 37 ℃ and shake it in the ultrasonic bath for a while.
Shipping ConditionEvaluation sample solution : ship with blue ice
All other available size: ship with RT , or blue ice upon request

Genistein-d4is intended for use as an internal standard for the quantification of genistein by GC- or LC-MS. Genistein is an isoflavonoid phytoestrogen that has been found in soybeans (G. max/S. hispida) and has kinase inhibitory, anticancer, pro-cancer, hepatoprotective, and antiviral properties.1It inhibits the tyrosine kinases EGFR, pp50v-Src, and pp110gag-fes(IC50= 6, 7-8, and 6.5 µg/ml, respectively) and decreases EGF-induced serine, threonine, and tyrosine phosphorylation of EGFR in A431 cells when used at a concentration of 20 µg/ml.2Genistein inhibits proliferation and induces apoptosis in a variety of cancer cells, including Bel 7402 hepatocellular carcinoma cells when used at a concentration of 10 µg/ml.1,3It reduces tumor invasion and angiogenesis in a Bel 7402 mouse subrenal capsule xenograft model when administered at a dose of 50 mg/kg per day.3However, when administered at the same dose on postnatal days 1-5, genistein increases the incidence of uterine adenocarcinoma in a mouse model of cancer induced by the estrogen receptor agonist diethylstilbestrol .4It reduces lipid accumulation and inflammation in the liver of ovariectomized (OVX) and non-OVX female rats in a model of high-fat high-fructose diet-induced nonalcoholic hepatosteatosis (NASH) when administered at a dose of 16 mg/kg per day.5Genistein (10 µM) also inhibits HIV-1 DNA synthesis in resting CD4+T cells.6

1.Spagnuolo, C., Russo, G.L., Orhan, I.E., et al.Genistein and cancer: Current status, challenges, and future directionsAdv. Nutr.6(4)408-419(2015) 2.Akiyama, T., Ishida, J., Nakagawa, S., et al.Genistein, a specific inhibitor of tyrosine-specific protein kinasesJ. Biol. Chem.262(1)5592-5595(1987) 3.Gu, Y., Zhu, C.-F., Iwamoto, H., et al.Genistein inhibits invasive potential of human hepatocellular carcinoma by altering cell cycle, apoptosis, and angiogenesisWorld J. Gastroenterol.11(41)6512-6517(2005) 4.Newbold, R.R., Banks, E.P., Bullock, B., et al.Uterine adenocarcinoma in mice treated neonatally with genisteinCancer Res.614325-4328(2001) 5.Pummoung, S., Werawatganon, D., Klaikeaw, N., et al.Genistein-attenuated hepatic steatosis and inflammation in nonalcoholic steatohepatitis with bilateral ovariectomized ratsPharmacogn. Mag.14(55)20-24(2018) 6.Guo, J., Xu, X., Rasheed, T.K., et al.Genistein interferes with SDF-1- and HIV-mediated actin dynamics and inhibits HIV infection of resting CD4 T cellsRetrovirology1062(2013)