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Nebivolol hydrochloride
Nebivolol hydrochloride图片
CAS NO:152520-56-4
10mM (in 1mL DMSO)电议

Nebivolol (R 065824) hydrochloride 是一种口服活性β受体阻滞剂,具有高β(1)-受体亲和力。
Cas No.152520-56-4
别名盐酸奈必洛尔; R 065824 hydrochloride
Canonical SMILESC1CC2=C(C=CC(=C2)F)OC1C(CNCC(C3CCC4=C(O3)C=CC(=C4)F)O)O.Cl
溶解度≥ 22.1mg/mL in DMSO
储存条件Store at -20°C
General tipsFor obtaining a higher solubility , please warm the tube at 37 ℃ and shake it in the ultrasonic bath for a while.
Shipping ConditionEvaluation sample solution : ship with blue ice
All other available size: ship with RT , or blue ice upon request

Nebivolol hydrochloride selectively inhibits β1- adrenergic receptor with IC50 of 0.8 nM.Target: β1- adrenergic receptorNebivolol reduces cell proliferation of human coronary smooth muscle cells (haCSMCs) and endothelial cells (haECs) in a concentration- and time-dependent maner. Nebivolol treatment for 7 days causes significant reduction in cell growth of haCSMCs with IC50 of 6.1 μM, and inhibits accelerated haCSMC proliferation stimulated by growth factors PDGF-BB, bFGF, and TGFβ with IC50 values of 6.8 μM, 6.4 μM and 7.7 μM, repectively. Nebivolol treatment (10-5 M) of haCSMCs for 48 hours induces a moderate apoptosis of 23% and a decrease from 16% to 5% in the number of cells in S-phase. During Nebivolol incubation, NO formation of HaCEs increases, while endothelin-1 transcription and secretion are suppressed.Administratiion of Nebivolol (initially by iv within 10 minutes of reperfusion and then orally) to rats with myocardial infarction (MI) reduces myocardial apoptosis, which is mediated by regulation of NO . Nebivolol, significantly, prevents left ventricular (LV) pressure changes, reduces total and regional apoptotic cardiomyocytes. Nebivolol treatment lowers mean blood pressure (MBP) in rats with MI slightly, but not significantly.

[1]. Brehm BR, et al. Effects of nebivolol on proliferation and apoptosis of human coronary artery smooth muscle and endothelial cells. Cardiovasc Res. 2001 Feb 1;49(2):430-9.
[2]. Mercanoglu G, et al. The effects of nebivolol on apoptosis in a rat infarct model. Circ J. 2008 Apr;72(4):660-70.